"My name is Dylan Hunt. My story begins the day on which I died." Gene Roddenberry, the creator of Star Trek, brings fans another enthralling tale of the future. Set in a time between now and the era of the starship Enterprise, Genesis II follows Hunt (Alex Cord), who awakes after 154 years of suspended animation into a post-apocalyptic world that's torn between the peace-loving citizens of Pax and the militaristic, mutant Tyranians. Both want Hunt to join their cause. But the Tyranians have two cruel weapons to persuade Hunt: a device of torture called a stim. And an alluring mutant (Mariette Hartley) with two navels and one ice-cold heart.
DVD Details
>Rated: NR
>Runtime: 1 hours, 14 minutes
>Video: 0
>Encoding: Region 1(US & Canada)
>Originally Released: 1973
>Label: Warner
Starring: Alex Cord;Mariette Hartley;Ted Cassidy;Percy Rodrigues;Harvey Jason
DVD Details
>Rated: NR
>Runtime: 1 hours, 14 minutes
>Video: 0
>Encoding: Region 1(US & Canada)
>Originally Released: 1973
>Label: Warner
Starring: Alex Cord;Mariette Hartley;Ted Cassidy;Percy Rodrigues;Harvey Jason
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