In this critically acclaimed Vietnamese drama, three sisters living in modern-day Hanoi -- Lien (Tran Nu Yen Khe, Cyclo), Suong (Nguyen Nhu Quynh, The Chinese Botanist's Daughters) and Khanh (Le Khanh) -- prepare a banquet for the anniversary of their mother's death. Upon the ending of the banquet, the three sisters' personal lives go through different stages of distress, dealing with strife in their personal relationships and the revelation of a mysterious man who lingered throughout their mother's life. Directed by Tran Anh Hung (The Scent of Green Papaya), THE VERTICAL RAY OF THE SUN is a beautifully shot film that transports you into another world.
DVD Details
>Rated: PG-13
>Runtime: 1 hours, 52 minutes
>Video: Color
>Encoding: Region 1(US & Canada)
>Originally Released: 2001
>Label: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
Starring: Tran Nu Yen Khe; Nguyen Nhu Quynh; Le Khanh; Ngo Quang Hai; Chu Hung; Tran Manh Cuong Le Tuan Anh
DVD Details
>Rated: PG-13
>Runtime: 1 hours, 52 minutes
>Video: Color
>Encoding: Region 1(US & Canada)
>Originally Released: 2001
>Label: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
Starring: Tran Nu Yen Khe; Nguyen Nhu Quynh; Le Khanh; Ngo Quang Hai; Chu Hung; Tran Manh Cuong Le Tuan Anh
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