When his life takes an unexpected turn, workaholic divorce Griffin (Mulroney) decides to focus on the good, instead of the bad, and plans to enjoy his time to the fullest. Soon he meets Phoenix (Peet), a beautiful loner who appears determined to avoid relationships and fun at any cost. But the chemistry between Griffin and Phoenix is undeniable...and when the two discover they share the same secret, they find not only comfort in each other's arms, but also unexpected happiness in every moment they spend together.
DVD Details
>Rated: PG-13
>Runtime: 1 hours, 43 minutes
>Video: Color
>Encoding: Region 1(US & Canada)
>Originally Released: 2006
>Label: MGM
Starring: Amanda Peet, Dermot Mulroney
DVD Details
>Rated: PG-13
>Runtime: 1 hours, 43 minutes
>Video: Color
>Encoding: Region 1(US & Canada)
>Originally Released: 2006
>Label: MGM
Starring: Amanda Peet, Dermot Mulroney
This product is made-on-demand by the manufacturer using DVD-R recordable media. Almost all DVD players can play DVD-Rs (except for some older models made before 2000) - please consult your owner's manual for formats compatible with your player. These DVD-Rs may not play on all computers or DVD player/recorders. To address this, the manufacturer recommends viewing this product on a DVD player that does not have recording capability.