The talents of acclaimed director Vincente Minnelli (Meet Me in St. Louis, An American In Paris) and legend Barbra Streisand combine to bring this Broadway production to the screen in grand fashion. Streisand is Daisy Gamble, a kooky chain-smoker desperate to kick the habit. She finds the perfect cure in the form of Dr. Marc Chabot (Yves Montand), a psychiatrist who uses hypnosis. However, when Daisy goes into a trance, she can regress into past lives and different personalities including "Melinda," a 19th-century English coquette. And before you can say amour, Dr. Marc has fallen in love with the enthralling, elusive Melinda... while Daisy, in turn, finds herself falling head-over-heels for the handsome hypnotist! Bob Newhart and Jack Nicholson add to the tune-filled fun in this romantic romp.
DVD Details
>Rated: G
>Runtime: 2 hours, 9 minutes
>Video: Color
>Encoding: Region 1(US & Canada)
>Originally Released: 1970
>Label: Paramount
Starring: Barbra Streisand; Yves Montand; Bob Newhart; Jack Nicholson
DVD Details
>Rated: G
>Runtime: 2 hours, 9 minutes
>Video: Color
>Encoding: Region 1(US & Canada)
>Originally Released: 1970
>Label: Paramount
Starring: Barbra Streisand; Yves Montand; Bob Newhart; Jack Nicholson
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