This documentary series brings to life the legends, heartbreak and history created at The Comedy Store, which over the past 47 years has launched the careers of a breathtaking array of stars. As a Comedy Store alum, former stand-up comic Binder spotlights one of pop culture's great laboratories with never-before-seen footage and incisive, emotional interviews with some of the biggest names in comedy.
DVD Details
>Rated: NR
>Runtime: 11 hours, 45 minutes
>Video: Color
>Encoding: Region 1(US & Canada)
>Originally Released: 2020
>Label: Showtime Networks
Starring: 0
DVD Details
>Rated: NR
>Runtime: 11 hours, 45 minutes
>Video: Color
>Encoding: Region 1(US & Canada)
>Originally Released: 2020
>Label: Showtime Networks
Starring: 0
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