Directed by Emmy -nominated filmmaker Dan Reed (HBO's Terror at the Mall), this 60-minute documentary is a searing account of the horrific events that began on January 7, 2015, when two brothers -- members of Islamic terrorist group Al-Qaeda's branch in Yemen -- stormed into the Paris offices of the satiric weekly newspaper Charlie Hebdo, killing 11 people and injuring 11 others before also killing a French police officer outside. As a massive manhunt for the elusive killers was mounted, an additional five people were murdered and 11 wounded in related attacks in the Ile-de-France region over the next two days, including a harrowing stand-off between police and a gunman at a kosher supermarket near the Porte de Vincennes. Using carefully edited footage from security cameras and cellphones (much of it never before seen), photos taken over the three days, and testimony from survivors and rescuers who are depicted in the images, Three Days of Terror recalls the horror of the attacks, as well as the courage and resilience of police and Parisian citizens in the face of mass murder.
DVD Details
>Rated: 0
>Runtime: 0 hours, 59 minutes
>Video: Color
>Encoding: Region 1(US & Canada)
>Originally Released: 2016
>Label: Warner
Starring: 0
DVD Details
>Rated: 0
>Runtime: 0 hours, 59 minutes
>Video: Color
>Encoding: Region 1(US & Canada)
>Originally Released: 2016
>Label: Warner
Starring: 0
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