In rural Maine, Vic and Donna Trenton (Hugh-Kelly and Wallace) struggle to repair their crumbling marriage, while their young son Tad (Danny Pintauro) befriends a hulking, lovable,200-pound St. Bernard named Cujo. With Vic away on business, Donna and Tad take their decrepit car to be fixed at the remote farm of their mechanic (Lauter). As their aging Pinto sputters to a stop and dies, Cujo appears. But the once docile dog has undergone a hideous transformation -- and becomes a slavering, demonic, implacable killer possessed by almost supernaturalstrength...and unholy cunning. Critically acclaimed, CUJO is a fearsome, spine-chilling tour de force from the most popular name in horror!
DVD Details
>Rated: R
>Runtime: 1 hours, 32 minutes
>Video: Color
>Encoding: Region 1(US & Canada)
>Originally Released: 1983
>Label: Paramount
Starring: Dee Wallace; Daniel Hugh-Kelly; Danny Pintauro; Ed Lauter; Christopher Stone
DVD Details
>Rated: R
>Runtime: 1 hours, 32 minutes
>Video: Color
>Encoding: Region 1(US & Canada)
>Originally Released: 1983
>Label: Paramount
Starring: Dee Wallace; Daniel Hugh-Kelly; Danny Pintauro; Ed Lauter; Christopher Stone
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