A year after the explosive events of last season, England finds itself embroiled in a devastating civil war, with the powerful, neo-fascist Raven Union, led by Lord Harwood (Jason Flemyng) threatening to control the entire country. North London remains one of the few resistance holdouts remaining. It's here in the West End Neutral Zone, that we find Alfred Pennyworth (Jack Bannon). After years in the British Army, his training with the SAS has taught him to be a cynical optimist -- expecting the worst, but knowing that he can handle it. Now running The Delaney, a black-market Soho club that welcomes everyone, regardless of their politics, Alfred, with his SAS mates, "Bazza" (Hainsley Lloyd Bennett) and "Daveboy" (Ryan Fletcher), is now in search of a way out -- before London, and his country, burns itself to the ground. And he's got his eye on America.
DVD Details
>Rated: TV-MA
>Runtime: 9 hours, 2 minutes
>Video: Color
>Encoding: Region 1(US & Canada)
>Originally Released: 2020
>Label: Warner
Starring: Jack Bannon; Ben Aldridge; Emma Paetz; Hainsley Lloyd Bennett; Ryan Fletcher; Dorothy Atkinson; Ian Puleston-Davies; Ramon Tikaram; Edward Hogg; Harriet Slater; Jessye Romeo; Paloma Faith; Jason Flemyng
DVD Details
>Rated: TV-MA
>Runtime: 9 hours, 2 minutes
>Video: Color
>Encoding: Region 1(US & Canada)
>Originally Released: 2020
>Label: Warner
Starring: Jack Bannon; Ben Aldridge; Emma Paetz; Hainsley Lloyd Bennett; Ryan Fletcher; Dorothy Atkinson; Ian Puleston-Davies; Ramon Tikaram; Edward Hogg; Harriet Slater; Jessye Romeo; Paloma Faith; Jason Flemyng
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