In this darkly comedic tale, two couples reunite over two incendiary evenings when anything can happen. Grace (Julia Stiles, "The Bourne Identity") and Carlo (Taye Diggs, "Private Practice") are a newly-married New York couple who visit their old friends Sharyl (Melissa George, "30 Days of Night") and Joel (David Harbour, "The Equalizer") in their huge Midwestern home. Despite their wealth, the hosts are in a bitterly destructive marriage. A few years later, the couples reunite in New York, only to find the tables have turned. Blu-ray comes with English subtitles for deaf and hearing impaired.
DVD Details
>Rated: R
>Runtime: 1 hours, 30 minutes
>Video: Color
>Encoding: Region 1(US & Canada)
>Originally Released: 2012
>Label: FilmRise
Starring: Taye Diggs; Melissa George; David Harbour; Julia Stiles
DVD Details
>Rated: R
>Runtime: 1 hours, 30 minutes
>Video: Color
>Encoding: Region 1(US & Canada)
>Originally Released: 2012
>Label: FilmRise
Starring: Taye Diggs; Melissa George; David Harbour; Julia Stiles
This product is made-on-demand by the manufacturer using DVD-R recordable media. Almost all DVD players can play DVD-Rs (except for some older models made before 2000) - please consult your owner's manual for formats compatible with your player. These DVD-Rs may not play on all computers or DVD player/recorders. To address this, the manufacturer recommends viewing this product on a DVD player that does not have recording capability.