From acclaimed director Louis Malle (Atlantic City) comes this powerful drama based on true conflicts erupting along the Texas Gulf Coast between local fishermen and Vietnamese refugees. Ed Harris (A Beautiful Mind) stars as Shang, a shrimper and a veteran of the Vietnam War who, like many of his friends, feels bitter resentment towards the refugees who have settled in the Gulf's port towns. Shang's mistress, Glory (Amy Madigan, Field of Dreams), is a courageous woman who must choose between the rights of those who have fled a warring land and her love for Shang. Complex emotional issues arise when the locals, who had helped defend the Vietnamese during the war, now compete with the refugees for a livelihood. Dinh (Ho Nguyen, TV's "Final Verdict") is one of these refugees who refuses to leave the area, even withstanding violent harassment from the locals. Both sides are determined in their fight for a share of the American Dream in this compelling and controversial film. Newly remastered.
DVD Details
>Rated: R
>Runtime: 1 hours, 38 minutes
>Video: Color
>Encoding: Region 1(US & Canada)
>Originally Released: 0
>Label: Sony
Starring: Amy Madigan; Ed Harris; Ho Nguyen; Donald Moffat
DVD Details
>Rated: R
>Runtime: 1 hours, 38 minutes
>Video: Color
>Encoding: Region 1(US & Canada)
>Originally Released: 0
>Label: Sony
Starring: Amy Madigan; Ed Harris; Ho Nguyen; Donald Moffat
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